i walk into the king's island inn housekeeping department...just like several of my friends. it was my first job interview. they didn't ask me any questions. they handed me some paperwork to fill out...they handed me a uniform...they had a name tag made. hired! i spent most of the summer cleaning up after tourists and golfers. blah!
so we just moved back and i decide that i need a job. why? because who couldn't use a little pocket change for the holidays? because we have 6 kids to get christmas presents for and, if you do the math, it ain't cheap. and because i get bored being a domestic diva. i don't really need a full time, career, kind of job...something seasonal will be great so i hit the web...craig's list...snag~a~job...department store websites. all the applications are the same...fill out this personal information, then answer this 12 page questionnaire.
example questions:
SD~strongly disagree D~disagree N~neutral A~agree SA~strongly agree
i am the most awesome person ever: SD D
coworkers will say i am the most awesome person ever: SD D N
coworkers will not say i am the most awesome person ever:
admit it. you think i am the most awesome person ever: SD D N A
how do i even begin to answer these questions? OF COURSE i am the most awesome person ever!! but if i say that, do i sound conceited? if i disagree, does it sound like i lack confidence. and if i say neutral, they know i'm lying. my solution? stay neutral on questions that i feel need a little clarification (i follow bosses orders, even if i disagree with his orders? that depends...is he asking me to work an hour over or assassinate the ceo? cuuuzzz...that. could. greatly impact my decision...NEUTRAL!!). be honest on questions you KNOW the answer to (coworkers would say i am outgoing? SA...coworkers would say i keep to myself? SD).
a few words of advice when searching for jobs on the web:
#1~if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. you really need to be careful on craig's list. i would not send a resume to a poster that doesn't give any company information. sure...there are self-employed people looking for assistants but there are also psychos out there looking for personal information or, worse even, torture victims!! ack! send those posters an email to feel them out. you can always provide a resume and personal contact information after you've verified they're legit.
#2~if you find a position on snag~a~job, consider going to the companies website to fill out the application as well...better to be sure they get the proper information. also, take the time to fill out the websites resume information. that way it will always be on file for the next job hunt.
#3~be flexible. you will get passed over if you limit your availability. make yourself available during all business hours to start. you can always talk to your supervisor about better hours, later, as more people get hired or college kids start returning to school.
happy job hunting!!
^i told you...awesome!!^
^example of sketchy craig's list ad...might be legit but why the need for a headshot...and $60k for a personal asst? hmmmm^
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