Thursday, September 19, 2013


"yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me..."
FLASHBACK halloween 2009
the bk is kind of a halloween baby. october 30th is certainly close enough. he tells me he never had a costume party for his birthday. ever. WHAT?!!!! as the self-proclaimed queen of halloween, i must remedy this. i call on the mid-west flock and KABOOM! it's done. a wig, a little nail polish, and a lot guy-liner later and bk's all set. my pirate.
avast me 'earties!!! today is talk like a pirate day.  go to the official site where you can learn to talk like a pirate, play games, even learn your pirate name! don't be a bilge rat, matey!! grab some grog with your mates and celebrate this most awesome of days!!

 ^the bk and flock^

my pirate name?
Mad Charity Flint

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Monday, September 16, 2013


"it's just another manic monday..."

FLASHBACK a few weeks ago
FINALLY!! we pick up our csa veggies (click here to learn more about community supported agriculture) and get bell peppers. big, fat, red bell peppers. the bk starts complaining that we never have stuffed peppers. hmmmmmm. i wonder why not?
FLASH FORWARD a few days later
i search the web for a good stuffed pepper recipe. i'm not really feeling any of them. then, i remember, my sissie in~law posted one on her blog a loooonnnggg time ago (click here for her original recipe). let's try that!!



4 bell peppers (i used 2 red and 2 yellow)
2 pounds of ground beef (can substitute ground turkey)
1 medium onion, chopped
1 14 oz can of diced tomatoes

1 c water
⅔ c jasmine rice (you can use whatever, jasmine is my favorite)
2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp dried oregano 

salt and pepper to taste
dash or two red pepper flakes (not in original recipe but i wanted to add a little heat)
1 c shredded cheddar cheese

cut the tops off the peppers. remove seeds and membranes.  place peppers into boiling water for 3 minutes.  sprinkle insides with salt and place upside down on a paper towel to drain.
in a deep skillet, cook the meat and onions till meat is browned, drain fat. stir in undrained tomatoes, uncooked rice, worcestershire sauce, and oregano, 1 cup of water and a dash of salt and pepper, and red pepper flakes. bring to boiling; reduce heat. cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until rice is tender. stir in cheese. remove from heat.  place peppers into a baking dish and fill with meat mixture.  If there is any remaining meat mixture just put in dish around peppers. you can sprinkle shredded cheese on top of peppers, if you want. bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.

serves 4.

yummmm!!! enjoy!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


"karma karma karma karma karma chameleon...."

FLASHBACK a few weeks back
i get a phone call. "did you hear what blah blah blah did?" what?! no! "yeah. blah blah blah did yadda yadda yadda! and then this and that happened". omg. (you can insert any horrible gossip you like, it won't change the outcome of my story, or hurt my feelings).
FLASH FORWARD september 14, 2013
it's my typical morning. all's quiet, except for the bk taking an occasional deep breath, in his sleep. the only light is the glare from my computer. i scroll through a little facebook. a little twitter. and a lot of pinterest. and, then, i see it. blah blah blah, who had done the horrible~awful yadda yadda yadda is spending quite a bit of time talking about karma. what? dude!? you know karma's coming after you, right?! it annoys me, so i change my facebook status:

lots of people agree with me. the bk and i talk about it for a minute and i go on with my life. the next 20 minutes goes like this: i stub my toe, on the way to the kitchen *karma*. i start cooking bacon and i burn the first few pieces *karma*. i pour grits into the boiling water and, before i blink, they are blowing the lid off the pot *karma*. i make the perfect sunny~side up egg, and it sticks to the spatula when i am transferring it to the plate *karma*. i am grumbling. what is going on? "weren't you the one who said that when you wish bad karma on people it gets you, too?" ugh.

i just wanted to remind everyone NOT to wish bad karma on people. always be kind. karma will get them when she's ready, but you don't want her coming after you in the meantime.

have a great day peeps!