"hey goodlookin...whatcha got cookin...how about cookin
something up for me..."
my grandmother sent me a cookbook from her church in berea, kentucky. i'm still learning to cook so i really need this. i immediately focus on all things chocolate. and then i see it....bake me!! bake!!! meeee!!!...a hershey chocolate syrup cake. oh...i'm doing this. i rush out and get all the ingredients. i put the boys down for their nap. i start baking this amazing cake. it comes out of the oven looking so warm and delicious. i let it cool a bit and then put it on a pretty cake plate someone had given me when i got married. and to think i once thought...why the flip would someone give ME a cake plate?!...next comes the chocolate glaze. i had carefully made this glaze...making sure not to scorch it...this was going to be delicious. i start to drizzle the glaze over the cake. crack...wait? what is that sound?...crash!!! are you flippin kidding me right now?!!! the heat of my glaze just shattered my beautiful cake plate!!! chocolate syrup cake is all over the counter...all over the floor...and full of shards of glass...
FLASH FORWARD october 1, 2012
if i've said it before, i've said it 45000 times...i flippin love pinterest. and i've been trying new recipes from the website and posting the results here on bird food. well today i tried 2 recipes...an entree and a dessert...at the same time...making a total disaster out of my kitchen. the recipes? TOTAL SUCCESS!!! definitely must tries!!
first up:

1 box of spiced cake mix, dry
1 large can of pureed pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

preheat oven to 350...whisk all dry ingredients together, making sure to break up lumps in cake mix. mix in canned pumpkin...blend well to get rid of lumps. spoon a tbs sized lump of dough onto cookie sheet (greased or lined with parchment paper)...cookies will NOT spread during baking so feel free to crowd them. bake for 15-18 minutes. let cool on wire rack. store in an air tight container in fridge to prevent them from getting soggy. makes about 60.
(these were absolutely soft and delicious...and the easiest cookies i have ever made...)
on to the entree:

1 lb box of lasagna noodles
1 lb italian sausage
15 oz ricotta cheese
1 cup shredded mozzarella
1/4 cup parmesan
1 lg egg
salt and pepper to taste
2 1/2 cups marinara sauce
cooking spray

boil lasagna noodles in large pot until al dente (soft but not soggy). while noodles are cooking prepare filling (brown sausage and mix with ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan, egg, and salt & pepper to taste). drain noodles in colander. on clean surface, lay out noodles. spread a thin layer of filling on each noodle, roll up, and placed in greased glass baking dish. when all the mixture is gone, pour marinara over all rolls. cover with foil and bake, 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
*hint: the recipe called for spinach but said you can use any meat...since the bk is a carnivore we went with the sausage
makes about 18 roll ups...2 per serving. consider freezing half the roll ups for a meal on another day...
also...the recipe did not call for topping with mozzarella before baking, but i feel like it would have been a great touch...
other pinterest successes:
crunchy peanut butter cups
baby guiness
french toast casserole
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