*a few things to note next time you watch "charlie brown christmas", and the bk knows because i point them out every year: linus never ever lets go of his security blanket, EXCEPT at the very moment he says "fear not: for behold, i bring you good tidings of great joy"; lucy always calls charlie brown by his full name, EXCEPT right before her rant about christmas being a commercial racket...she just calls him charlie then; pay attention when they are singing "hark the herald angels sing"...#1~all the characters take deep breaths while singing and #2~dirt flies every time pig pen takes a deep breath.
i still watch "charlie brown christmas"...and still point out everything i notice even if the bk heard it last year...and the year before that...and the year before that...and the year before that, but i have added a slew of must~watches. so, what other specials and movies make my holiday perfect, you ask? here's my top 10 (in no particular order):
- a christmas carol (1938): you can catch it on turner classic movies and it will always be my very favorite. it's, obviously, black and white, and a little cheesy. but i dare you not to get choked up when black and white tiny tim says "god bless us, everyone".
- it's a wonderful life (1946): i know...i know...it makes everybody's list at christmas, but, did you know that it was a flop when it was originally released?
- a christmas story (1983): everybody loves this movie. EVERYBODY. LOVES. this movie. fun fact? ralphie says he wants a red ryder bb gun 28 times.
- elf (2003): "the best way to spread christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear". and that's all i have to say about that.
- scrooged (1988): because nothing says "christmas" like bill murray acting like an a$$ and being terrorized by buster poindexter, carol kane, and bobcat goldthwait.
- home alone and home alone 2 (1990 and 1992): because macauley culkin is super cute and joe pesci is hilarious.
- the santa clause movies (1994, 2002, 2006): don't judge me...
- miracle on 34th street (1947): watch the original...the santa is better. trust me.
- christmas vacation (1989): clark griswold reminds me of my dad...he tries to make everything, from vacations to christmas, perfect. and my dad takes great pride in his holiday decorations.
- nightmare before christmas (1993): tim burton. that is all.
of course, i will be watching all of the specials. rudolph the red~nosed reindeer. frosty the snowman. and anything that comes on abc family's 25 days of christmas...bring some popcorn (i'll provide the hot chocolate) and join me?