i've discovered pinterest and, not being 100% sure what i'm doing, i spend hours just looking at various things others have pinned. i come across a simple umbrella. i love it! i become obsessed with umbrellas. and rain boots. i'm obsessed with rain boots. sadly...i only own one pair. boo!!

i woke up to my favorite kind of day. a lazy rainy day. what? you love rainy days?! ummm...yeah. i kind of do. rainy sorts of days are great for relaxing...nothing more relaxing than raindrops falling on your roof. rainy days are great for being lazy...no one wants to go to the grocery in the rain...or cut the grass in the rain...or wash the car in the rain. and, most importantly, rainy days are great for play...for putting on you wellies and jumping in puddles...an activity you can only enjoy on a rainy day.
today is "step in a puddle and splash your friend day". i don't know who came up with this "holiday"...or why they decided to schedule it in january when most rain falls as snow and any puddles should be frozen over(?)...but, how fortunate that we, here in ohio, got a warm up and a rain storm?!
put on your boots and celebrate the rain today!!