"i can see the russian army rollin' thru my head..."
FLASH FORWARD september 29, 2012
the bk and i have a relaxing morning. noon (ish) we go into town for the applefest. we duck into the paddock for lunch. hmmmm...mel's face his blurry. i never noticed she had a blurry face before? i have no advil migraine (it's solubilized ibuprofen, which means it gets in your system faster than regular ibuprofen)...this is not good. i text danno..."please have advil or the osu game is gonna suck for me!". he meets me at the door with 3 advil and a promise to turn the music down during commercials. you went to the game day party with a migraine, you ask? ummmmm...yeah...i'm no scarlet!!
as a migraine sufferer who refuses prescription drugs as much as possible...i have a little advice:
#1~advil migraine really works...and doesn't upset my stomach. it doesn't contain caffeine, which can help but can, also, be a culprit when it's in high doses...
#2~a trick my daddy suggested...and it really works...ICE CREAM!!! not long after he mentioned this i noticed the beginnings of a migraine (flashing lights, blurred vision, an adversity to light) and the bk bought me the biggest chocolate malt united dairy farmers has to offer. KABOOM!! problem solved. maybe it was the cold on my brain...maybe it was the caffeine in the chocolate...i don't know and i don't care. the full on migraine was averted AND i had a tasty treat!
#3~get to a dark room and nap. i really need to purchase a sleep mask but, until then, i just wrap my favorite blanket around my eyes.
and finally...
#4~stay off your computer!!! even if you've taken meds, the light and all the colors and words on your computer screen will strain you eyes, making the migraine 45000X worse than it needs to be.
and, last but not least:
#5~be a scarlet and skip game day. you don't want to be a debbie downer, and besides, you need to be following rule #3...