st nicholas of myra. a greek christian bishop who is famous for his generous gifts to the poor...most notably, providing dowries to the three daughters of a pious christian so that they would not become prostitutes. dutch folklore describes him as a stately, serious man with white hair and a long beard. he keeps notes on children's behavior in a book. his feast is celebrated on december 6 with the exchange of gifts.
FLASHBACK who knows?
odin. the god of war and death. also of poetry and wisdom. legend says he rides an 8 legged horse, named sleipnir, that could leap great distances. children would set their boots, filled with straw...carrots...sugar...whatever 8 legged horses eat, by the chimney for odin's horse. odin would reward them by filling the boots with gifts or candy.
FLASH FORWARD 16th century (ish)
protestants change the gift giver from st nicholas to the christ child (christkindl) and the date for exchanging gifts becomes christmas eve.
FLASH FORWARD 17th century
father christmas. jolly, well-fed man with a beard in a long green robe. he is the embodiment of christmas cheer.
santa claus. oh, you know him...he has a long white beard...he's a chubby little dude...he travels all over the world...in one night...on a sleigh pulled by 8 reindeer (or 9, if it's foggy). he fills stockings with candy...and leaves gifts under the christmas tree...he sees you when you're sleeping and knows when your awake...and, since he knows whether you've been bad (or good), he decides if you get a toy or a lump of coal. people try to say he was invented to sell toys...or coca~cola...but, clearly, they were wrong.
so be good my lovelies...i don't want to hear any complaining if you get nothing but a lump of coal...