"i can bring home the bacon...fry it up in a pan..."
not my fried chicken |
when i moved out of my parents' home and in with my ex-husband, i couldn't cook a thing. no. seriously. not toast. not eggs. not anything. i was lucky to pour myself a bowl of cheerios without disastrous results. yet, i was determined to learn. with no internet or cooking shows, i relied on my mom and grandmas for cooking tips. they bought me cookbooks and mailed me tried and true recipes. i failed at all of them. my biggest, most epic, cooking fail came with a request from my nephew, and partner in crime. keith "aunt chrissie, i want fried chicken." me "sure. i can do that." off we went to piggly wiggly. chicken, flour, milk, eggs, oil. i got this. i fried that chicken to a golden brown. colonel sanders got nuthin' on me! the nephew said it was the "purdiest" fried chicken he had ever seen. we took a big bite. BLECK!!! spit spit cough cough...we looked like vampires! blood from that undercooked chicken running down our faces. it would be another 15 years before i would ever fry chicken.
with the invention of the internet and pinterest, i have many tips and tricks at my immediate disposal. i can see pictures of what it's SUPPOSED to look like, instead of just relying on my grandma's description. i still make mistakes. and some of those pinterest recipes are not as good as they look. but i am having fun trying.
this morning i made "cinnamon roll french toast". we saw someone cook it on our favorite show "diners, drive-ins, and dives". jamie "mmmmm...that looks ghud!" me "not a problem. i can do that". i opened the cinnamon rolls. did i mention that opening cans of biscuits or rolls is the scariest...thing...ever? okay. maybe not ever. THAT would be peanut butter. but i digress. 35 minutes later, we had a yummy breakfast of cinnamon roll french toast, bacon, and coffee. one problem. we really would have rather just eaten the cinnamon rolls. it was a total waste of rolls. it was delicious, because it's base was cinnamon roll. but, it has been decided, that in this house, if we want french toast, we'll just have french toast.
should you have a deep desire to toast your cinnamon rolls, you can find the recipe on my bird food page.
happy cooking!!