FLASHBACK may 16, 2013 (i know...i know...just a few short days ago)
i am crazy busy! i'm cleaning house...i'm paying bills...i'm getting all dolled up! why? because tonight is the inaugural concert at the horseshoe casino...AND it's the killers, one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE bands EVER!!...AND it's raining, so i have to be super cute whether i'm wet or dry...ugh! so, with all this going on i totally forget to sit down and write my blog. which means i totally don't look up any fun and exciting tidbits of information to share with you. which means i totally miss the best holiday we never knew about: national sea monkey day!!!
and so i have to:
FLASHBACK 1970 something
you see these ads in the back of comic books and teen magazines. "enter the wonderful world of amazing live sea monkeys", "own a bowl full of happiness", "instant pets". everybody tried them. few had success. i remember trying them. i just remember a bowl full of dust. or, maybe, my dad got them to live but i got bored before it happened. besides, we had a REAL aquarium with the most amazing lion fish that my dad had to save from a tragic goldfish choking...but that's a story for another time.
i find sea monkeys at cracker barrel. nostalgia takes over and i totally forget that you only get a bowl full of dust, so i buy one. 7 days later...WE HAVE SEA MONKEYS!!!!
what are sea monkeys, you ask? just brine shrimp. some dude (harold von braunhut) decided to make his own version of an ant farm. BOOM! we have sea monkeys. the ad is a tad misleading. i was really disappointed that my monkeys didn't look like mer~people and build a community in their tank. but, still, it was fun to watch them grow.
so, now, you want your own sea monkeys but not a bowl of dust? here are some helpful tips:
- follow the instructions that come with your sea monkeys (amazing how that works, right?).
- keep the water around 70 degrees. i would not set my tank near an air conditioner vent or in a window that gets direct sun.
- feed them 5 days after hatching...then, again a week later. feed weekly...if the water gets cloudy you're feeding too much and should wait until the water clears.
- set their tank in an area that will get plenty of indirect sunlight. direct sunlight will get the water too hot, but indirect sun will help algae grow. algae will provide food and oxygen for your monkeys.
- you need to aerate your tank. you can stir it, pour the water back and forth between the tank and a large bowl a few times, or purchase the available "million bubble air pump".
- watch for water evaporation. when the water level drops 2" fill it immediately. if you let it drop lower, you might affect the salt levels and shock your monkeys! no bueno!!
hears to your happy, healthy sea monkeys!!!
^living sea monkeys...nothing like the ad!^
^million bubble air pump^