we move in to our new apartment...we, carefully, unpack boxes and put everything in its proper place. it takes about a month, but we get there.
FLASH FORWARD november 23, 2012
the day after thanksgiving. all the christmas boxes come out of storage. up goes the tree. up go the lights. christmas gifts are being purchased and placed all over the house. ugh! i can't find anything i need.
FLASH FORWARD january 6, 2012

january is "get organized month" and i certainly know why! we have only been in our apartment 4 short months and, already, we need to reorganize. the beginning of the year is a great time to do it...out with the old and in with the new. need some help making the job less tedious? i have a suggestion...break it down to one task a day.
day 1~medicine cabinets: check expiration dates and throw out old meds. make a list of things you may be running low on and be sure to replinish (tylenol or ibuprofen, band aids, neosporin)
day 2~coat closet: get rid of coats and jackets that don't fit, or never get worn (donate to a shelter). got hats and gloves loose? a cute basket or box for the shelf will come in handy OR that dust bag that came with your handbag you got for christmas makes a good catch all for them.
day 3~under beds: do you use the space under your beds for storage, like i do? get under there and go thru all that stuff. get rid of anything that's unnecessary...those shoes you haven't worn in 5 years? guess what...you aren't going to ever wear them again! DONATE!!
day4~laundry room: go thru all those cleaners on the shelves. toss old bottles of detergent and fabric softener that don't even have enough for one load in them (i know you have them...don't even lie!). a heavy duty tote is a great way to keep cleaning products organized. and BONUS!!! you can carry it around the house as you clean, as opposed to trying to carry them all in your arms, or making several trips!
day 5~hand bag: take the time to go thru your bag. get rid of all those gum wrappers...take all loose change and put it in a jar to save for a special weekend or item you've been wanting. rule of thumb: you don't need a ton of change in your purse, you'll only weigh yourself down...i keep 4~quarters, 2~dimes, 3~nickels, and 4~pennies, all other change goes in the jar! also, take this time to get rid of near empty lip gloss, and lip sticks you know you'll never wear.
day 6~under sinks: get rid of near empty bottles of hair spray...gels you haven't used in so long they've become solid. that curling iron that broke 2 years ago? toss it. while you're at it, check your hair appliances...are the cords frayed or broken? time to get a new one.
day 7~fridge/freezer: check the expiration dates and toss any out~of~date items. leftovers? if you don't know how long they've been there...toss them. replace any often used items you're out of.
day 8~kitchen cabinets: spices that are over a year old may need replaced...broken pots/pans? why are you holding on to them? toss! and why are you keeping all those margarine tubs? they aren't microwave safe and they just make a mess! toss them and invest in a food storage set.
day 9~makeup case: mascaras and eyeliners really should be replaced every 6 months, but we all know that doesn't happen. at least do it at the new year!! take this time to get rid of old foundations (face it, you are NOT going to get that drop from the bottom of the jar). look at your brushes? can they be cleaned or maybe they need replaced.
day 10~bedroom closets: now is the time: donate clothes you haven't worn in a year. but...but...i DO wear this member's only jacket?! no. no you don't. having trouble remembering if you did wear something in a year? try this: as you hang clothes back up, turn the hangers backward...as you wear and wash pieces, hang them back correctly. next year, anything on hangers that are still hung backwards get donated to charity.
day 11~linen closet: frayed towels? they go to the laundry room to become dust rags. pillows that have seen better days? toss them and get new ones for guests. sheets and blankets that have holes in them...TOSS!
day 12~bedroom dressers: socks and chonies have holes in them? toss them...unless you're gonna darn the socks, and no one does that anymore! and holey chonies?! really? remember what your mama always said about having clean chonies in case you're in an accident...same thing with tee shirts and sweaters. AND, again, if it hasn't been worn in a year: DONATE!!
day 13~living room: magazines on the coffee table need to be up~to~date. you should NOT have last january's sports illustrated or good housekeeping sitting out. do you have remotes that you aren't even sure what they operate? or you have 45,000 remotes for all your electronics? maybe you should invest in a universal remote...
day 14~cars: go thru all the compartments in your car and get rid of trash...check registration and insurance cards and make sure you only have the CURRENT ones...also, check that you have jumper cables, a flashlight, flares, and a blanket for emergencies. or, better yet, an emergency kit.
day 15~jewelry box: broken jewelry? get it repaired. if it's beyond repair, take it to a respectable jeweler and have them purchase the gold...extra money goes in the jar. jewelry you never wear, and does not have sentimental value? donate it, or sell it.
if you have other spaces to organize (a garage, playroom, craft room) it may take you a few extra days. but, by breaking tasks down to 1 per day, it makes it far less painful!
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