i haven't always been terrified of peanut butter. oh. i've always hated peanut butter. HATED peanut butter. but not AFRAID peanut butter. why do i hate peanut butter? it doesn't taste like peanuts. AT ALL. it looks like it belongs in a baby diaper. seriously. and it grows when you put it in mouth. yes, it does!! it grows and gets stuck on the rook of your mouth...and then you can't swallow. or breathe. and you think you're gonna die. you think i'm exaggerating. i am not. but, as much as i hate peanut butter, i was never afraid of it...until. until my kids saw a very special clip from cky, the guys that, eventually, brought us jackass. that clip, "rake yohn hates mustard", inspired them to attack me with peanut butter. it started with a simple finger of peanut butter to the face. GROSS!!! then, the onslaught began. walk in the house...get a face full of peanut butter. walk out of the bathroom...get a face full of peanut butter. stand at the stove, cooking dinner...get a face full of peanut butter. i. am now. legitimately. afraid of peanut butter.
FLASH FORWARD september 2010
i have the hiccups. it's horrible. bridgette says "a spoonful of peanut butter will get rid of them." i am not letting peanut butter anywhere near me. "fine. just sit over there hiccuping." ugh! this is super annoying! so...i suck it up. jamie covers my eyes and bridgette sticks a spoonful of peanut butter in my mouth. it tastes HORRIBLE!! i start crying. the hiccups go away. "see! we told you it would work!" it only worked because i was AFRAID i was going to choke to death!!
FLASH FORWARD summer 2011
we go to the links' for cocktails and a fire. lance is baking cookies. humongous cookies! they look like biscuits, really. when he brings them out by the fire, they smell delicious. and everybody knows there is nothing better than a warm cookie fresh from the oven. so i grab a "biscuit" and take a bite. it's not bad...not my favorite, but not bad...what kind of biscuit is this? "peanut butter". WHAT?!!!???!!! it. did not. taste like peanut butter.
november is peanut butter lover's month. i still don't like peanut butter...unless it's in the form of a biscuit...but i don't begrudge people the right to love it. so celebrate~you lover's of skippy or jif. have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. or a reese's cup. or a buckeye. and try this recipe...which i hear is delicious, but i will never try :)

1 1/2 cups peanut butter
1 cup softened butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
6 cups confectioner's sugar
4 cups semi~sweet chocolate chips
mix together peanut butter, softened butter, vanilla extract, and confectioner's sugar. roll into 1inch balls and place on cookie sheet lined with wax paper. place a toothpick into the top of each ball and chill in freezer for 30 minutes, or until firm. melt chocolate chips in a double boiler, stirring frequently. using toothpick as a handle, dip each ball into chocolate, leaving a small amount of peanut butter showing at the top. place back on cookie sheet and chill in refrigerator until ready to serve. makes 5 dozen.
^3 pranksters^

^peanut butter terrorizer
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