the very first issue of rolling stone magazine is released today. john lennon is on the cover. it's founded by jann wenner (who is still chief editor) and music critic, ralph gleason. it's devoted to music and pop culture.
rolling stone becomes known for it's liberal political coverage because of articles by gonzo journalist, hunter s. thompson (who published his most famous work, "fear and loathing in las vegas", in the pages of the magazine). rolling stone launches the careers of many amazing authors, including cameron crowe, joe eszterhas, patti smith, and pj o'rourke. rolling stone will publish many of its most famous works during this decade.
FLASH FORWARD 1980's and 90's
to appeal to a younger audience, rolling stone changed it's format to include youth~oriented television shows and movie actors, becoming less political and more of an entertainment magazine. it's now being criticized for choosing style over substance.
with the addition of two young journalists, michael hastings and matt taibbi, rolling stone is becoming relevant again. taibbi has emerged as a finacial expert, covering the country's financial meltdown and fraud committed by big banks. hastings has covered all things related to the dissention in the middle east. the magazine has undergone many changes to it's look, looking like a tabloid newspaper in it's beginnings to becoming a standard style magazine in 2008. today, it is also available on the web. the website includes the complete archives of rolling stone.
you know you wanna see your picture on the cover :)

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