almost 6 years old and already in love. already in love and planning our marriage. this boy is cute. this boy has mice. this boy has a snake. this boy goes on all kinds of adventures. this boy can sing. this boy has his own tv show. this boy is michael jackson. not just michael jackson but CARTOON michael jackson. yep. i'm in love with a cartoon boy. for the record, he is not my first, or (dare i say?) last, cartoon husband. i was also imagination married to cartoon donny osmond, bugs bunny, shaggy, and "yellow submarine" paul mccartney.
now i'm in 8th grade and i wanna "rock with you"...all night. rock the night away. i am totally in love with the "off the wall" album. and i'm pretty sure my parent's are sick of hearing it.
i'm a junior in high school. i am all new wave and punk. my favorite band is the cure (heads up...they are still in my top 5). i TRY not to like the thriller album. i can't help myself. it's awesome! it will stay at the top of the charts for 80 weeks. did you hear me? EIGHTY weeks.
michael jackson would have been 54 today. so dance. shout. shake your body down to the ground.

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