end of summer 1972. we load up and take off for a cross~country road trip to california. dad and lil bro in the van. me and mama in the comet. mama and i sing "delta dawn" all the way from ohio to cali. we drive thru vegas (it looks nothing like it will 38 years later when i go to bird's wedding). we are heading towards the city of angels. i can see the capital records building before mama spots it. this will be the last time i can see far off without glasses...boo!!
jamie and i have mini~road trips every time we go to ohio. we have to drive thru west virginia every single trip. scary. why, you ask? well...in my imagination, this is the place all "wrong turn" movies take place. you know?!! you miss your exit and think "no problem..i'll just take this road. certainly it will take me there". it doesn't. it takes you right into the deep dark woods, inhabited by mutant rednecks with a taste for human flesh! this is not meant to say that all west virginians are rednecks...in fact i have met some very nice people there. but remember how i said this is in my imagination. that place....well THAT place is very scary. however, we still have fun. we sing. we car dance. we eat road trip food (mcdonald's and beef jerky). we have deep conversations about serial killers and rednecks.

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