"karma karma karma karma chameleon..."
as long as i can remember i have preached good karma. i remind everyone "you get what you give so give good". treat others the way you wish to be treated. this is what keeps me from punching people in the throat. not that i haven't had a moment of weakness. snapped a few heads off. talked A LOT of smack. usually with disastrous results. a flat tire. the flu. or worse, grabbing that one cart at the store that squeaks and rattles and makes you want to punch you own self in the ovary, and inexplicably not being able to find one that doesn't. 94% of the time i try to do the right thing. buying that homeless lady a cup of coffee and a muffin (at the same diner every single time i went to philly...i sure hope someone took over for me). letting that person, who has one item in line at the grocery store and decided NOT to get in the express lane, cut in front of me. and smiling and saying hello to the one person that would love to see me get hit by a bus.
so, in 2008, i went home, dragging along two of my boys and one of the girlfriends, to visit family and go trick or treating with my niece. she wanted me to be a witch and she would be my cat. we were lovely. the next day, we went to the halloween haunt at king's island. i grabbed my debit card and driver's license and stuck them in my pocket. don't you just hate lugging a purse around an amusement park? ugh. the worst! at the ticket counter, i hand the cashier my debit card. "can i see some id?" "sure". wait? what?! i didn't grab my driver's license? really? "there is an atm around the corner". they are all out of order. i go back to my circle of family and begin to explain that i will go get cash and be right back. there is a tap on my shoulder. "i have these extra tickets and they will go to waste. could you use them? they are free." what? did that just happen? good karma.
"it's about love. it's about compassion. it's about kindness and faith. you get what you give, so give good."
That was the best moment ever. Just as we were willing to walk away. Free tickets. Amazing