kathy and i don't really look alike. at least, we don't think we do. okay. we are both blue-eyed. we are both 5'4". we both weigh 100 lbs. we are both blonde. but kathy is strawberry blonde. i am golden blonde. yet people can't tell us apart. what is UP with that?
FLASH FORWARD august 2009
queenie steps off the plane. what?!! why is she 6' tall? we don't look anything alike. and all this time i was certain my doppelganger was on the west coast.
i use "doppelganger" a lot. and people always ask me what the hell i'm talking about. well. a doppelganger is a paranormal double of a living person...they say everybody has one. usually, your doppelganger is evil. so, i guess i'm sort of using the word in the wrong context. i don't care. i love that word. i love the idea that everybody has a twin. whether or not they're evil. or paranormal.
i have run across a lot of doppelgangers in my life. the earliest one: everybody in school (i. mean. every. body) thought my mom was florence henderson. it had to be the shag haircut both were famous for. had to be. which one is the evil twin, you ask? well. lana will tell you it's florence. and, history will tell you, that the rich and famous usually got that way by selling their souls to the devil. evil. but me. what do I think? yeah. lana's the evil one. i've heard her on the phone with telemarketers so i KNOW what i'm talking about.
have you met your doppleganger? has anyone ever told you they saw you at the mall, grocery, airport, and you hadn't left your house in a week? and which one is the evil one? you or your doppelganger?

^me and kat:not doppelgangers^
^my parents have doppelgangers for sure!^
^jamie and vincent d'onofrio: doppelgangers^
^noah and phillip phillips: doppelgangers^
^kat and gaga: doppelgangers!!^
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