may of 1984 was the first election after i registered. a primary. i didn't even know...or care...what we were voting on, but my dad MADE me go to the polls. poll worker "are you democrat or republican?". me "neither". pw "well...this is a primary and there is nothing for YOU to vote on". end of my first election (shoulder shrug).
in november, of that same year, our candidates were ronald reagan and walter mondale. i was too busy partying in college to care. besides, everybody knew reagan was going to win. everybody. knew. reagan. was going to win. i didn't bother to vote. my vote wouldn't even make a difference. right?
i've grown up a lot in the years since that 1984 election. i have finally chosen a party. and i have cast my vote in every election since (except for one in ohio and one in south carolina that i was ineligible for because i had JUST moved to the area).
never before have i seen an election season like this one. two very different candidates...the democrat incumbent (barack obama) and the republican hopeful (mitt romney). and a country divided. the lies are abundant. on BOTH sides. and the hatred. oh...the hatred. from BOTH sides. those incessant tv ads, you ask? nope. those are a staple of any election season. i am talking about social media. twitter. facebook. even pinterest. it's gotten completely out of hand. there is not a morning that passes without political commentary. everyone has an opinion. and everyone is certain that their's is the ONLY opinion. i try not to throw my hat into that ring. why? because i adore my friends. i adore my friends EVEN when i disagree with them. oh, i mess up on occasion. i was recently asked my opinion on the candidates, by someone who was sure i would agree with them. when i offered up my view, i was lectured (for 30 long minutes) about all the things that were wrong with my opinion. i bit my lip and let all the rhetoric go in one ear and out the other. the thing is, i completely disagree with MOST of what this person was saying, but i was brought up to respect his/her right to say it. but, on social media, you will find only one (somewhat) political post. one that i immediately regretted. not because i didn't stand behind it's statement, but because of the fight it started among my facebook friends. why not give my opinion? because my daddy taught me two, very important, lessons in life...#1~opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one, and #2~never discuss politics or religion with friends and/or family. i took linus' advice and added the great pumpkin (you would be surprised at how many people DO NOT believe in the great pumpkin?!!!).
this week is "remember to register to vote" week. so while you're ranting and raving on your favorite form of social media...don't forget to make sure that you are registered to vote in this upcoming election. because, i don't care WHICH candidate you choose, if you don't vote you have no right to complain when it's over.

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