FLASHBACK september 11, 2001
"imagine all the people living life in peace"
i am rushing around getting ready. charlotte and i are taking our 6 kids, plus a few of their friends, to see incubus next month. the tickets go on sale today. a trip to house of blues and some early christmas shopping are in order. kids successfully dropped off at their various schools? check. make-up and hair done? check. money? well poop. i rush out the door and head to the bank. 8:46am...my cash is dispensed from the atm (i know because i still have the receipt). i walk into charlotte's house. she's in her room staring at the today show. "you won't believe what just happened! crazy!!". the camera is focused on the world trade center and smoke is billowing from one of them. matt lauer and katie couric are discussing what could have caused this horrible accident. and then it happened. live. on our tv screen. the whole world watched as a second plane crashed into the world trade center. this was no accident. panic sets in. should i get my kids from school? should i leave them there? what is going on?
14 years have passed. there is a memorial where the towers stood. i haven't seen it but i have been to ground zero while it was being built. you can't help but talk a little softer, be a little nicer, be a lot more respectful when you're there. you can't help but remember how everyone in this country came together after that attack. we don't need to remember 9/11 on september 11. we need to remember 9/11 every single day. we need to be a lot more respectful of each other. we need to be a little nicer to each other. we need to talk a little softer to each other. we need to come together. "for united we stand, divided we fall...and if our backs
should ever be against the wall...we'll be together, together, you and i".
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