FLASH FORWARD 1980 something
american lit. a class we all had to take in high school. snoozefest, right? right. up until the moment they assigned harper lee's "to kill a mockingbird". i was sure i was going to hate this book. why wouldn't i hate a book written 20 some years ago set in the great depression? i loved this book. i mean i LOVED this book. it is one of 3 books i read year after year. when i pick it up, i don't want to put it down.
FLASH FORWARD summer 2001
dustin had a summer reading assignment..."raisin in the sun". in the search for this book, i run across the classics section at barnes and noble. that's when i see it...bram stoker's dracula. as a fan of all things spooky, i figure i should read about the original vampire. i thought i knew dracula...i mean, i had seen ALL the movies. nope. dracula is so much more than a universal studios monster. it is a story about good versus evil. and how good must always triumph. it is my 3rd favorite book. and one i read year after year after year.
october 7~13 is great books week. this year nat'l assoc of independent writers and editors have chosen to honor victor hugo's "les miserables". but you don't have to read that to celebrate the week. you can honor any book you feel is great, from "green eggs and ham" to "dracula". it doesn't matter what you read...just READ!!
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