july 12. noah is turning 8 today. party's cancelled. there will no be going outside today. hurricane bertha is blowing in and dumping buckets of rain. did i say buckets? i should say olympic~size pools of rain. countless olympic~size pools. boo.
september 5. thursday. there's no school today. stupid hurricane fran is swirling around in the atlantic and threatening our way of life. i spend the entire day getting the house locked down. i take care of care of my neighbors house, too. they conveniently went out of town. there are no last minute trips to the store because i am already stocked up. bring it on. the ex's granny is staying with us. i am starting to cook before we lose power. BAM! too late. the ex runs out to pick up hot food...it might be the last one for awhile. just as the tail of the car clears the driveway, a huge tree falls across it. yep. he narrowly escaped certain death. we eat whoppers and french fries by candlelight. thank god for radios and battery operated tv's. we let george elliott keep us updated on the storm track. after a few short hours of sleep, we wake up to trees and powers lines down everywhere...EVERYWHERE. it will be 3 weeks before everybody has power. ugh.
FLASH FORWARD october 29, 2012
hurricane sandy makes landfall. she destroys atlantic city. she shuts down new york city...the city that never sleeps. millions are without power, or lost their homes to flooding. close to 100 people have lost their lives.
it's november. and even though we should be thankful everyday of every month of every year, we have deemed this month as the month of thankfulness. and, with the images of hurricane sandy's devastation, we are all thinking about how blessed and lucky we are. everyday people will share 1 thing they are thankful for. so what am i thankful for?
#1~i am thankful i no longer live in the direct path of hurricanes.
#2~i am thankful for 3 boys that, mostly, act like grown~ups. mostly.
#3~i am thankful for a bk who loves me and takes care of me.
#4~i am thankful for food in my belly and a roof over my head.
#5~i am thankful that my parents are happy and healthy.
#6~i am thankful for dear friends.
#7~i am thankful for my brother, sister in~law, and nieces that are not only family, but also, friends.
#8~i am thankful for a bk that pretends that i am a good cook.
#9~i am thankful that the bk and i have jobs that allow us to occasionally splurge on cheesecake factory pumpkin cheesecake.
#10~and most importantly...i am thankful for cheesecake factory pumpkin cheesecake!!
so tell me...what are you thankful for?

east coast storm a brewin...
^sandy's path^

show your thankfulness by donating to disaster relief...just click on one of the following links...:)
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