FLASH FORWARD april 1986
i move out. i am now left to my own devices. i am late. all the time. all. the. time. i'm late to parties. i'm late to movies. i get a job 30 seconds from my doorstep. i am 5 minutes late everyday. every. single. day.
jamie is never late. for anything. going to a movie? we are there 20 minutes early. going to a party? we are right on time. going to work? i am there a few minutes early. i have discovered benefits to all these things. did you know if you get to the movies early that #1~you get a great seat; #2~you have time to get a treat from the concessions; #3~you get to see the previews and see what great movies are coming up; and #4 (and far more important)~you don't have to see "shark night 3D". if you are on time to parties, you might actually get a few minutes alone with your hosts, AND you can help them set up. turns out they appreciate that help. if you are early for work, your boss might actually take notice and promote you over that other girl. you know? the one that is late every. single. day.
today is national be late for something day. if you want, you could celebrate by being late for something. or you can be a rebel like me. i plan on being on time. for everything.
^what happens when friends help set up for a party^
^i loved my job^
^an example of a trailer that excites me^
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