now all the neighbors want me to babysit. all within walking distance. the kids are not infants, but they're a lot of fun. candyland. chutes and ladders. go fish. slapjack. we play them all and the kids are off to bed. i'm watching a movie. everything is perfect. until i remember that i'm scared of michael myers. and my neighborhood is eerily similar to lori strode's. awwwwwww hell no! now i'm scared and the kids are in bed. the stupid, bratty kids are in bed!! they aren't really bratty...but they are for feeling the need to be in bed and not sit up and protect the babysitter. ugh. so i call the dog up on my lap. cuz we all know how fearsome weimaraners are. she sits there all night...until the parents get home. then i begin the long walk home...it's 3 houses.
i'm a much better babysitter today. i have new tricks up my sleeve. a little "fairly odd parents". a little skype with grandma. order dominos and bet the boys they can't get their homework done before the little guy on the computer tells us the pizza is on it's way. BAM!! homework's done! a little uno. and, most importantly, no...and i do mean NO...scary movies.

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