FLASH FORWARD spring 2012
i walk 5 days a week. i put in my earbuds and crank up the music and walk. i only go 2 miles each day (it's boring without your partner...boo). this day is no different except for one thing...when i get back to the house i can't get in. i've locked my key inside. ugh. jamie's truck is at the shop...5 miles away. remember how i said i don't have a partner? there is no one to drive me to the shop and i am exhausted (i am only walking 2 miles but i'm doing it for time...i am practically running). i check all the windows within reach...locked. maybe i left the back door unlocked? nope. i'm nothing if not conscious of keeping out potential robbers...or zombies...or velociraptors (remember how they can open doors? i learned THAT from jurassic park). there is one hope. the back window. it's unlocked but it's 8~10 feet off the ground. but i'm clever. i pull the motorcycle trailer out from under the deck. i roll down the bar to make it level, but our yard is on a hill so it's still not level enough, so i prop it with the lawn mower. a small step ladder on top and i'm set. sort of...i get the window open, but i'm short. so in come the gymnastic skills i learned as a kid. i mary lou retton myself onto the window frame and throw myself, head first, into the dining room. TAH DAH!!!!!
FLASH FORWARD october 2012
our new apartment is very safe. deadbolt and chain for our door. and the entry to the building automatically locks. i take maddie out 45000 times a day, starting at 7:30a. today is no different except...when i get to the "potty station" i realize something very important. I FORGOT MY KEYS!!!!! i text jamie "i locked myself out!" j: are you serious? m: yep :'( j: i have keys here m: you're at work. j: is the apartment locked? or just the building? m: just the building. CRAP!!!! i head back to the building, debating about which neighbor might be home. or awake...i would hate to wake a sleeping neighbor that i don't even know. a man is getting in his car. thank gawd!! he unlocks the building and now i am safely in my apartment. i will never ever EVER forget my keys again.
everybody knows...EVERYBODY KNOWS...i will forget my keys. again.
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