"don't you know about the bird? well everybody knows that the bird is the word..."
queenie and i talk everyday. she tells me about her friend "bird" which leads to a facebook friendship. bird and queenie dub me cardinal, because cardinals are the north carolina state bird. fortunately for me, they are, also, the state bird of ohio and 5 other states. i can safely live in north carolina, ohio, west virginia, virginia, kentucky, indiana, and illinois without changing my nickname.
i go running out of the house to run an errand. i hear a strange noise and assume the gardeners are working on the grounds of our apartment complex. i step off the porch and SPLAT!! bird doo on my neck!! ewwwwwwww!!!! i quickly realize i am dead center in a humongous flock of birds. i run to my car and watch in amazement as this flock swarms a berry tree and, then, in complete unison, flies on to the next...inevitably dropping doo on the next person to mistakenly walk thru them.
FLASH FORWARD december 14, 2012 thru january 5, 2013
the audubon society sponsors a yearly christmas bird count. during these 3 weeks, tens of thousands of volunteers will brave rain, wind, and snow to go out and attempt to get a count of bird populations in their area. this information will be collected to help guide conservation efforts and assess the health of bird populations. click here if you would like to get involved...
^three little birds and my artwork^
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