the flu pandemic will be considered the worst in modern history. an estimate 500 million people, world~wide, are affected. an estimate 20~50 million people die (675,000 in the u.s.). there are no effective vaccines or drugs to treat this flu or prevent its spread. in america, citizens are required to wear masks and public places are shuttered.
flu season got an early start this season...arriving a month earlier than expected. it is widespread throughout 47 states. health officials are urging people to get their flu vaccine, which is 62% effective. but what if you are like me and the bk? what if you get sick EVERY time you get a flu shot? then, you need to follow other steps to prevent spreading or contracting influenza:
#1~try to avoid close contact with sick people. don't just assume that someone that's sick is going to follow the rules to prevent the spread of their illness.
#2~if you're sick, stay home for at least 24 hours AFTER your fever is gone except to get medical care. don't make it necessary for other people to avoid you. you're sick, it's YOUR job to prevent the spread.
#2~cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough, or cough into your elbow.
#3~wash hands, often, with soap and water. if that's not available, use an alcohol~based hand gel.
#4~avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. your mama always told you germs spread this way and she was right!
#5~clean and disinfect surfaces that a lot of people come in contact with: door knobs, counters, phones, keyboards, toilet handles and seats.
so, you IGNORED all my advice and now you have the full on flu? first things first, reread tips #2~5 above, paying special attention to #2 (if i bump into you anywhere but the doctor, i am going to punch you in the throat!). then follow these get better tips:
- get PLENTY of rest! cuddle on your couch...burrow in your bed...relax in your recliner...but get some rest!
- drink plenty of fluids: WATER, hot tea, broth, sports drinks, juice...you need to keep yourself from getting dehydrated.
- use tylenol or ibuprofen to reduce your fever. a little advice here: try not to reduce your fever until it reaches 102 or if it doesn't run it's course in a day or two. a fever is actually your body's way of fighting infection or disease.
- use a humidifier to make breathing easier.
- gargle salt water to soothe your sore throat.
- antiviral medications can make your symptoms milder and may prevent complications of the illness...so see your doctor.
- take a hot bath...okay okay...you aren't gonna see this on the cdc website but, come on...who never felt better after a nice hot bubble bath!!
^necessities to make it thru^
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