FLASH FORWARD february 2010
the bk and i are driving thru town. oops! those people forgot to take down their icicle lights! well? maybe not? it's been pretty cold and snowy...maybe they're just waiting for the weather to break? but...ugh!!! THOSE people still have a christmas wreath on their door!!! okay! that's just tacky!! and no excuses! i know it's cold...and there's tons of snow on the ground...but you can open your door and take off the wreath!!
i have started taking down some of our christmas...i've taken the candles out of the windows...i've cleared the bedrooms and bathrooms of any small decorations. my tree is still up...and the lights are still burning. my deck is still decorated with twinkling lights and garland. why? because it's still the christmas season.
when should we be taking down our decorations, you ask? well...i did a little research so that you don't have to...
first, you should know that the day after thanksgiving is not REALLY the christmas season (i know! i know! i'm guilty, too!). the season begins with advent, which is 4 sundays before christmas (so...this past christmas would've been dec 2). and, traditionally, people did not put up their decorations until noon on christmas eve day (that's just MADNESS!!). christmas day is the FIRST day of the twelve days of christmas...the twelfth day falls on the epiphany. fact is, if we stuck a little closer to tradition, we would not be in such a hurry to take it all down after the presents have been opened and all the family has gone home.
armed with this information...you know it's safe (and traditional) to leave them up thru january 6. take them down december 26th, you might be a bit of a scrooge. but, if you still have them up on valentine's day...and have not found some sort of way to incorporate them into the february holiday...you might be just a tad bit lazy...or a redneck...or a lazy redneck.
^candy canes and inflatables should be gone before the grass starts turning green^
^be sure you've gotten all the ornaments...poor lonely little red ball^
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