it's new year's eve. time to bid adieu to the old and welcome the new. so, how do you make sure the new year will be more amazing than the last one? by following ancient superstitions, duh doy! these superstitions say what you do on new year's day, you will do all year long. be sure to do only things that make you happy and follow cardinal's rules for an awesome 2014:
- make sure all your laundry and housecleaning are done new year's eve day. who wants to be washing clothes and cleaning house all year?!
- do your cooking the day before, and be sure to cook the following: black~eyed peas (for luck), greens (for financial prosperity), and pork (because chickens scratch backwards, cows stand still, but pigs root forward guaranteeing you will move forward thru the new year).
- nothing goes out of the house on new year's day, or you will be losing things all year long.
- fill up the cupboards, fridge, and freezer the day before. if the cupboards are bare you'll be starving all year.
- kiss someone you love at midnight to ensure affection all year long.
- set a dollar bill outside on new year's eve and bring it in new year's day. this will ensure you have money coming in all year.
- the first person that enters your home, on new year's, should be tall, dark, and good looking. no joke. so i will be sending the bk out the door at 11:59 and letting him walk in at midnight...
- open your doors at midnight, to let out all the bad from the past year. and noise. make a lot of loud noise to scare off evil spirits.
so. spend today doing all these things, while you watch the walking dead marathon on amc, and you will have a bright and shiny 2014!
happy new year!!
Just when I think I can't love you more than I already do....you post all things needed to know. Thank you bird!!
ReplyDeletei don't recognize your name or pic...do i know you? lmao
Deletealso, you're welcome bird!! :)