FLASH FORWARD september 2011
i keep seeing previews for paranormal activity 3. i REALLY want to see it, but haven't seen the first two. off i go to the redbox and rent them. they scared the PEE out of me. for the next few weeks, maddie has to be in the bathroom when i shower. yep. i can't even be in the bathroom alone. and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night? no thank you. i'll just suffer til dawn. finally, i can't take it anymore. i REALLY have to pee. it will not keep. i get in the bathroom. i check behind the shower curtain. it's all good. now for the long journey back to bed. i'm blind in the darkness. i finally find the bedpost. then it hits me. zombies. monsters. serial killers. any of those things could be lurking under my bed. what do i do? i certainly don't want anything grabbing my feet. my solution? grab the bedpost with both hands and marylou retton myself into bed. the bk jumps straight up, out of a sound sleep, "what's going on?!! are you okay?!!". ummmmmm....i never go to the bathroom without a flashlight again.
^2 dorks out of breath after climbing the exorcist stairs in d.c.^
^as far up the exorcist stairs as i would go in the dark^
^trailer for zombie flick my kids made :)^
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