"lies lies lies yeah...." dustin is 6. it's almost time for easter. which means it could be february at your local discount store. the cadbury creme eggs are lined up at the check out counter. dustin "mama, can i have one of these?" me "no. you won't like it". d "yes i will". m "no. you don't need any more chocolate. and you WILL NOT like it. i promise you won't". we get home and dustin bolts into the house. i get the baby and the the bags, with noah's help. a few minutes pass and dustin comes back down. "what have you been up to?". dustin "nothing". me "really? nothing? nothing at all?". d "nope. nothing". me "then what is that brown stuff all around your mouth?". d "what brown stuff? you're crazy mama...". me "am i really? let's just go upstairs a sec and see how crazy i am...". i get upstairs. i go in the bathroom. i look in the trash can. there. in that trash can. a partially eaten cadbury creme egg. i don't say a word. i turn and look at dustin. little thief. little liar. he starts blubbering. i hardly understand a single. word. he. says. "you were right mama!!!!!!! it totally sucked!!!!!". how do i punish him, you ask? are you flippin kidding me right now? eating that creme egg was punishment enough! FLASH FORWARD today today is big whopper liar day. what kind of lies have you told? and, will you tell any today? i bet you will ;)
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