"when you're weak, i'll be strong...when you let go, i'll hold on"
my mom sends me an email. she says a friend of mine, that i had (unfortunately) lost contact with, is battling breast cancer. i contact her via facebook and mend that relationship. why? because the moment you hear someone is battling the "big c" you realize how precious life truly is. you realize how petty you've been. FLASH FORWARD christmas 2011 jamie gets a text. it's devastating news. a friend of ours has stage 4 colon cancer that spread to his liver. how do you come back from that? no really. how DO you come back from that? FLASH FORWARD september 13, 2012 julie is a survivor. she was declared cancer free a little while back. and craig. craig with the stage 4 cancer that had already begun to spread. today. TODAY he was declared cancer free. yep. that's what i said. CANCER FREE. medicine helped...of that i'm sure. but i am 45000% positive that it was something else that helped them heal. their attitudes. yes...people prayed. yes...people sent good thoughts. yes...people offered support. but they never gave up. they never backed down. they always kept a brave face. when other people were on facebook complaining of migraines (hello? if you have a migraine, why are you on the computer?). when other people were on facebook complaining about how unfair life is because someone bought the last newspaper. they were on facebook talking about how beautiful life is. they were on facebook smiling because cancer patients get special parking spaces. they were on facebook inspiring us to be better people. FLASH FORWARD today today is "stand up to cancer day". 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will suffer some form of cancer in their lifetime, according to the american cancer society. the big c can affect us all. a friend. a partner. a parent. a sibling. cancer can touch all our lives. so today (and everyday) consider donating to the cause. raise money in support of cancer research and treatments. volunteer your time to charities that support this cause. but, most importantly, honor those who have been affected. LET'S KICK CANCER'S A$$!!!
sweet post, love you Cardinal. ;0)