FLASH FORWARD summer of 1980
it starts all over again. only this time he thinks my name is kathy??? oooohhhh!!!! i'm wearing kat's shirt and her name is on the back!!! ugh!! YOU are such a CREEP!!!
FLASH FORWARD summer of 1981
yep. he's baaaccckkk!! but kat sees him at the car wash. we avoid going by there. he still finds us...walking to my house...walking around colony square...walking to see my mama.
FLASH FORWARD summer of 1982
i have my driver's license. he can't bother me anymore. i'm not stupid...i NEVER take the car to his car wash.
the bk gets a phone call from someone he dated. we don't think anything of it. a few weeks later, he is out of town on business and i get a call from a blocked number. just breathing and hang up. i think someone is trying to scare me. it doesn't work in the middle of the day, moron, try it again later!! it happens again the next day. hello? jacka$$...remember how we're adults now? ha!
FLASH FORWARD november 2012
an "unverified text" comes thru. whoever this person is, they want to date the bk again. what? i don't know who you are, but you aren't very smart...you added your phone number to the text! i forward the message to the bk and after some sleuthing...the bk could put sherlock holmes to shame...we identify the culprit. bk sends a strongly worded text "blah blah blah...leave us alone...blah blah blah...we will get the police involved if necessary...blah blah blah". of course she responds "i don't know what you're talking about...blah blah blah...*insert crazy bish psychobabble here*...". we block her number. she won't be bothering us again. i still have questions: how did she get MY number? does she know where we live? is she just a little koo koo bananas? or is she charlie manson psychotic?
^not the ACTUAL text^
in the '70s and '80s, they didn't have a name for it. we were told stories about men in vans offering candy and puppies to small children...but creeping on teenage girls as they walk thru town? that didn't happen...it did, we just didn't talk about it. now it's called stalking...AND it's against the law. january is national stalking awareness month. here are some important facts you should know about stalking:
- 1 in 4 women, and 1 in 13 men, have reported being a victim of stalking in their lifetime.
- the majority of stalking victims are stalked by someone they know.
- 1 in 5 females, and 1 in 14 males, experience stalking between the ages of 11 and 17.
- 2/3 of stalkers pursue their victims at least once per week.
- stalking is a crime in all 50 states, although, less than 1/3 classify it as a felony for first offenders.
- the fear of not knowing what may happen causes anxiety, insomnia, and time lost from work.
- 54% of femicide (the act of murdering a woman) victims reported stalking to the police before being murdered by their stalkers.
- technology has made it easier than ever for stalkers to harass their victims. facebook, twitter, email, and texting are all ways to contact the victim.
what can you do to protect yourself? the national center for victims of crime suggests:
- a safety plan that includes a log of all contact...emails, texts, phone calls, gifts...to be used as evidence
- have a phone nearby at all times
- treat all threats seriously and contact police
- vary your routine: routes to work/school, when/where you shop, and limit time spent alone.
- get a new, unlisted, number...but leave the old number active and allow all calls to go to voice mail for screening (and evidence).
- consider getting a restraining order.
- DO NOT interact with your stalker.
- trust your instincts. if you don't feel safe, find a way to make your location safe or leave.
don't be a victim...arm yourself with knowledge!
a few months have passed, and no contact from koo koo bananas ex~girlfriend...oops! bk insists "she was NOT my GIRLFRIEND"...her number is blocked, but we haven't run into her at any local hot spots, she hasn't tried to contact us thru email or facebook or twitter...it's safe to say that's over. and my high school stalker? kat and i finally learned his name (10 years later) and it's safe to say that, 30 years later, he won't recognize me. and if he does, he'll call me buckeye...cuz i will never EVER be seen in a michigan jersey!
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